Talismans or amulets in the form of coins were used by our ancestors. This money amulet is very powerful if it is properly crafted, activated and used. For the first time, an amulet coin is mentioned in ancient Mesopotamia. After that, other cultures of the world began to use this monetary artifact.

How the coin became a talisman
The coin has always been associated with monetary energy. Every country in the world has a coin talisman. Its main properties are:
- attracting money luck;
- opening the way for material flows;
- protection from poverty and want;
- return of debts;
- acceleration of getting rid of the credit yoke;
- getting a job with a higher salary;
- direction to the house of cash flows, the accumulation of wealth.

Coin talisman directs cash flows to the house, accumulates wealth
It is believed that the beginning of the creation of amulets was given by the Mesopotamian shekel: she protected the owners from losing their grain in the common store. In China, Nanbu coins attracted happiness, monetary luck. They were made of gold - a symbol of wealth.
The Romans were the first to mint a coin in honor of Juno. She protected the profits of the soldiers during the war with Pyrrhus. Fortune holds a cornucopia of coins. The power of the goddesses who give prosperity is a strong confirmation of the magic of the amulet.
Which coin is suitable for creating a talisman
Before you make a talisman, you need to familiarize yourself with which coin is suitable for this purpose. You can use the following coins:
- those brought from other countries;
- ancient antique artifacts;
- found on the street at night during the growing moon;
- ordinary, it can be turned into a fiat ruble with the help of a ritual.
It is very important to take only real money for the ritual. To make a money talisman, they will not work:

- chipped, damaged coins;
- souvenir money;
- the ones you don't like.
If the purchased coin is not activated, it will not become a talisman.
Varieties of amulets-coins
There is a huge variety of coins-amulets: Chinese coins tied with red thread; coins depicting ancient gods; coins with Slavic inscriptions or with the pentacle of King Solomon himself. You need to choose your amulet very carefully, because it will affect many aspects of your life, and a rash decision here can play a cruel joke. Do not enter coins with sayings: "for good luck", "money magnet", "777".
In the amulet, the main thing is not big words, but the energy that it carries in itself and transmits to the owner. The history of the origin of the coin and the message of the one who made it are important. The seal of the wisest king Solomon on an amulet, for example, brings not only wealth, but also makes the owner much smarter. The ritual of making also plays a big role. For example, the knots of the thread used to bind Chinese coins symbolize infinity, that is, unlimited resources, money. The coin should not be thoughtlessly minted on the machine, because there are a number of specific rules for creating such a talisman, time-tested. When buying the first amulet that comes across, at best you will receive a piece of plastic in the form of a coin.

How to activate
It is recommended to purchase a coin from a numismatist or choose one that is used in everyday life. The amulet is made before the full moon or during the growing moon. The algorithm for performing the work is as follows:

It is recommended to choose a coin that is used in everyday life
- All manipulations are performed in the daytime or at night, all alone.
- You can not make in a period of malaise or being in a bad mood.
- Before the ritual, you need to take a shower or bath, loosen your hair, remove jewelry.
- Cover the table with a green or black cloth.
- Put a bowl of salt and water, light incense and three green candles.
- Take the amulet in your hands, ask for help, dip it in water, then in salt, carry it over the flame of a candle and over the smoke from incense.
- Lay a piece of red fabric on the windowsill, put a coin on it, let it lie until the next morning.
- You will need to charge it with your energy, for this they hold it in their hands and ask for help.
It is important to remember that your talisman should not be seen by strangers. It is best to hide it under the pillow. A money amulet should always be carried with you in your wallet.
Why a professionally spoken amulet works better
A handmade talisman has its advantages. The main advantage is that the coin is saturated with the energy of the owner. She understands better what the owner expects. A self-created amulet will not have the powerful energy and wisdom that the ancient ones possess.
It's good if a professional speaks the coin. A knowledgeable person has powerful energy and will not make mistakes in conducting a magical ritual. It is better to seek help from witches and magicians who practice white magic.
After activating the amulet, a person should not just wait for the blessings to fall on him. It is necessary to work, looking for opportunities for enrichment. The amulet will increase the cash flow, which will not dry up.
Amulets in the form of coins help to significantly increase the financial well-being of the owner. They will bring change for the better. The amulet will protect from the machinations of envious people, will give happiness at the energy level. You can not retreat from the goal, changing fate.
How to clean

To cleanse the amulet, the energy of the moon and the sun is used. A coin is placed on the windowsill at night during the growing moon. During the day, it should be left in a place that is illuminated by direct sunlight.
To cleanse with the help of fire, you need to buy a green candle, thanks to it, financial well-being will be attracted. Wax from a lit candle should be dripped onto the surface of the coin with the words:
"I won’t give to anyone, I won’t lend, I won’t exchange. Send me, money, good luck. Fill my pocket to boot. "
Hide in a wallet so that it does not come into contact with other money. You can't tell anyone that you have such a talisman. If you lose it, you need to replace the amulet with another one. Periodically, it must be picked up, asked for help and thanked for the service.
The value of the money amulet
An amulet in the form of a coin is one of the most powerful magical tools, through which financial problems are solved. Like many talismans made of precious stones and minerals (gems), it attracts good luck to the owner.
The task of a magic coin is to give the owner monetary well-being.
The value of the amulet of the coin is also attributed to the property of protecting the owner from the negative from the outside (evil eye, damage). Money talisman will protect from illness and danger. The owner will repay debts, achieve career growth, find a well-paid job. The beneficial effect of a magical thing extends to the owner, to his loved ones.
Amulets in the form of a coin must be made in compliance with the rules. Otherwise, they will not have power.
Religion does not approve of money talismans. Gives advice to resort to prayers and creeds like a pectoral cross.
What does the shape and hieroglyphs mean?
It is believed that one of the sides of such a feng shui symbol carries the active male yang energy, and the other side the passive female yin energy. It's easy to distinguish them. 4 hieroglyphs are responsible for the male energy, 2 symbols for the female. Each coin has its own history: for example, the active side indicates the era in which it was created, the ruling dynasty. The passive part tells about the ruler of this time and his motto.
The talisman must always lie 4 hieroglyphs up.
The Chinese feng shui symbol, woven with a ribbon or thread, has more power. Yang energy is activated due to color, connected nodes give great power in achieving the goal. When choosing a thread, you need to pay attention to strength. Weaving methods are a whole feng shui ritual. It is necessary to tie a special knot on top of the money pendant, symbolizing infinity, abundance, prosperity.

People doing business can use a sword from such symbols to protect it.
- The talisman pendant remains the same feng shui item, it has never been used as money. She helps lonely people find their soul mate. For married couples, it serves to strengthen marital relations.
- A coin to attract money" is a simple Chinese coin. Feng Shui connoisseurs prefer coins issued during the reigning Qin Dynasty, as this was the time of the greatest prosperity and growth.
- The health coin correctly affects well-being. The hieroglyphs of longevity and the symbol of the family are printed on one of the sides, so its power extends to the family. However, few people use such a coin, because it is quite rare.
- The feng shui symbol in the form of a plum flower affects several life factors at once. It depicts 5 hieroglyphs and the same number of petals, which are responsible for purity, popularity, happiness, prosperity, peace of mind, long life.
- A large Chinese coin gives a very powerful protection to its owner if it depicts the face of Zhong Li Quan and the name of one of the 8 Taoists.
- Products in the form of a sword consist of many details. The symbol of 108 pieces has the greatest influence. It is used as a protection for businesses from competitors.
Quantity value

Three symbols mean where a person can draw his income from.
In Feng Shui practice, 2. 3 coins are most often used. Several Chinese coins symbolize an increase in wealth, they can be put in those places where savings are stored. Another action of such a symbol is protection from evil spirits. The symbol with 3 coins is divided into 3 parts of prosperity. The owner will be able to profit from several sources at once: work, additional source, gifts, inheritance. The meaning of this symbol is the unity of Man, Heaven and Earth. The value of the number of coins is presented in the table:
Amount | What do they mean? |
5 | Plexus of 5 coins displays wealth from 4 cardinal points |
6 | If you need to attract good luck, help, this bundle will be the best embodiment of desires |
eight | Attract finance from all directions of the compass |
9 | For success in business, such a bundle will help, means the help of 9 emperors |
four | Plexus from so many details is not recommended to use, they are not suitable for attracting wealth |
7 |
In what areas are they used?

The financial side of life can be corrected with the help of two such symbols.
Feng Shui pendants can be applied in any field of human activity, to activate and improve it. So, sword-shaped symbols help a lot in the business category; in the field of finance, 1, 2, 3 coins are used, they bring prosperity and prosperity for the family; an amulet tied with a jade thread is responsible for health, supporting this sphere; symbols of happiness help for family constancy and strong relationships.
Instructions for using the Imperial Amulet

Regardless of whether the owner bought the imperial amulet or made it himself, you need to know how to handle the talisman correctly.
- An amulet is a very personal thing, therefore it is forbidden to give it to anyone, but it is better to hide it as far as possible from prying eyes.
- The amulet cannot be given or re-gifted to someone - it will lose its properties. A special case is represented only by those talismans that turned out to be inherited, although even they require some processing when changing their owner.
- Treat the amulet must be very careful and respectful. Store in places where it is always clean and beautiful. Be sure to believe in its amazing properties.
- Such an assistant often requires recharging. Therefore, at least once a week, you should get it and talk to it, filling it with your own energy.
- It should also be addressed at the most important moments of life, at the time of making major decisions, as well as at moments of complete happiness and joy.
- The best option is to wear the amulet around your neck at all times.
History of the creation of the Imperial Amulet
How did an amulet appear that has such miraculous power and is called imperial?
Tradition says that in 1689, then young, Peter I needed help in confronting his own conspiratorial sister, Princess Sophia. In this he was helped by the deacon of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, who all night prayed to God for help to the young monarch.
The basis for the amulet was the imperial coin.The next morning, the consecrated amulet was handed to Peter I with the words:"From this day on, you will be invincible, luck will not leave you, and there will be no end to wealth! May the Lord be with you! "
As is known from history, the military coup did not succeed for Princess Sophia, and she was imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent under strict supervision. Peter I became a world-class personality and made our country one of the greatest and most influential powers on Earth.
Later, throughout the reign of the Romanov dynasty, each new heir to the throne received his personal talisman, the basis of which was a special,imperial coin.
Regardless of how old you are and what problems prevent you from living a full life, the Coin Amulet will constantly exert its miraculous effect, improving your well-being.
Next, I want to introduce you to the characteristic features and the impact that an amulet coin has on the lives of those for whom it is made.