How to talk to thing for luck and money charms for charms and key chains

From time immemorial, people turn to the help of magic: some want to improve their health or return a loved one and to learn or to change their fate, and others – to attract fortune. In the latter case, it is possible to speak on the subject of luck, and then he will have magical properties that make people happy.

amulet for luck and wealth

If you constantly pursues a series of failures is a serious reason to think about how to change it. Here two choices: to refer to the seer with magical skills, or to learn the basic rituals that can be performed independently, and their effectiveness will be noticeable almost immediately.

Guidelines for performing rituals

It is important to remember that the end result depends not only on spoken words or a chosen subject for conspiracy, but from the observance of certain rules by the person who will perform the ritual.

What should you know anyone who wants to speak on the love, luck and happiness:

  • Even white magic is dangerous, so before you resort to it, you need to think about its consequences. Instead of white in life on the contrary may appear black stripes, and instead of love – quarrel or in the absence of a decent person. However, all this most often occurs when, during the ritual, make mistakes, or people simply do not believe in the power of magic and uses it for the sake of interest;
  • If you can't learn a word of prayer, you can write them on a sheet of paper, but after reading immediately burn it using the flame of the Church candles;
  • During the ceremony in the room should be conductive to his people. Noise, jokes, laughter and the presence of outsiders not allowed;
  • It is not recommended to perform the rituals during pregnancy: it is fraught with problems with the child or childbirth, and in the future failure can be self-fulfilling for her child;
  • If for some reason does not work independently to read the plot (e.g., for fear), you can seek the assistance of another person, but then it should be thank to the conspiracy acted in the right direction.
  • 3 days before the procedure is recommended to give up alcohol and junk food. The diet should be healthy choices: they have positive energy;
  • A few days before the ceremony you should try to avoid disputes and scandals: they affect the energy field;
  • Of its intention to perform the ritual impossible for anyone to tell, and after the vote. Everything must remain secret, otherwise the plot will not work.

Given the above details in the ceremony, you can make it completely safe and effective, and then he really will attract luck and happiness.

How to connect the thing for good luck?


May you always lucky in all things, you need to find a favorite thing and read 12 times such a prayer to attract prosperity, which will surely affect all spheres of life.

"Like a squirrel coat wore-not endured, So would you (name the thing) Me good luck, happiness has brought. So be it!"

There is another option of holding the ceremony, for which you need a simple safety pin:

  • Wait until the Moon reaches the new moon phase;
  • At midnight, take a pin and read over it:

"The moon is born anew, the power of her wakes up and goes straight to me. Luck my this pins don't come off as the moon from the sky shall never break up. On the heels of the success of my follow me, I welcome the great work! Amen."

  • It is advisable to do a ritual every full moon, and then success for sure will never leave.

There is a third method that can help to attract luck to their side:

  • Take the string, convert it into a pigtail;
  • You have to speak the cord, saying is designed for these purposes, a prayer:

"Probably luck, come on me, you see. Let luck in life will break, forever coming back to me."

The easiest way to attract fortune simply tie the lace to the left foot, saying: "tie your Shoe, tie it around". Despite the ease he has less magical power than presented above the plots.

All items with a conspiracy it is advisable to carry: they will act as talismans to protect the wearer from illnesses and problems.

Conspiracy key chain

For this ritual you will need the agate, which in the future need to hang on to keychain or phone. What you need to do:

  • Rinse the stone under running water;
  • When it's midnight, light candles, agate hold in our hands and repeat: "Help me, agate, help, protect and bring good luck";
  • In addition to the key chain, the stone can be used as a pendant, the main thing – to carry it with you constantly and often hold in their hands, thinking about your success.

Rite on luck

This ritual is universal: it promotes good fortune in career, love and other important for every human aspects. How it runs:

  • From midnight to 3 hours between Saturday and Sunday be near the mirror, holding the Church candle;
  • Read the prayer from the Antichrist:

"Deliver me, o Lord, from the seduction of the ugly and cunning of the Antichrist coming, and hide me from the network it in a secret desert of Thy salvation. Grant me, o Lord, strength and courage of a solid confession of Thy name Holy, but will not back down for fear of the devil, Yes I will not deny You, the Savior and Redeemer of mine, from a Saint of Your Church. But give me, Lord, day and night, crying and tears for my sins, and have mercy on me, o Lord, in the hour of Your judgment. Amen"

Extinguish the candle, taking the cloth from cotton. Put everything under your pillow at night.

Rituals for the pin

the plot to the pin

Since ancient times, the pin is considered as the best talisman against the evil eye, so is used in many ceremonies. To speak of its success as follows:

  • Take a bowl, it put 3 spoons of salt, rice and sugar, open the safety pin and stick it in the slide;
  • Leave the attributes on all night so that no one has seen them;
  • In the morning take out the pin, and the contents of plates thrown in the ground and bury.

If you need protection from troubles, evil eye and spoilage, and a suitable ceremony:

  • Open the pin and say: "the Enemies turn, all evil put me defend, damage and the evil eye away. Amen";
  • Attach the amulet to clothing and wearable without removing.

There is a third way to attract good luck with a pin:

  • While the moon is in the growth phase on Friday buy a pin and a candle of white color, and on Tuesday performed a ritual;
  • Light the candle and its flame prikalivaet pin, whispering a conspiracy to attract angel protector:

"God, angel came! Guardian, protect me. From the evil machinations of the cover, clean the flame wash. So be it. Amen."

Wetted the tip of a pin red-hot wax, when everything freezes – fix it on the clothes.

Charms for wealth and good luck

Difficult financial situation can be easily corrected with coins of 5 cents, if to speak it as follows:

  • Put the coin in your left palm and read specially designed for her plot:

"Money, money, wallets to purses. As the sun light becomes Golden, and penny is my light, the money was brought, joy gave. As it is said and done. Be my words are strong and the action solid. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit. Amen."

  • Carrying around a coin in the course of the year, then repeat the rite.

Money it is advisable never to give up and put them after the ritual in a purse in a separate pocket.

Gold ring to attract good luck

This rite is considered one of the most effective, since gold has long been used as magical energy attribute. How to make made it into a ring brings happiness:

  • Take some yarn, put it on the table and put her ring;
  • Hold the candle in your right hand and read: "Tit for blue blue sea lived a nest there. Ring him and I immediately brought. I'll go and dress up, people of good will come in handy. Me all the secrets of the unseen opens, all doors will open, all in my will. Amen.";
  • Try to wear the ring of a conspiracy all the time, keeping it in a secret place.

Only faith in the power of magic and luck contribute to early results from the rituals: in this case, changes in life will become obvious, but it may take some time.