author Stephan



  • How to choose a mascot for a nursery? Review of popular talismans and their effect on animals. Rituals and ceremonies with talismans in nurseries.
    26 March 2024
  • Many old talismans are charged with raising money. Is it possible to make amulets for wealth and luck with your own hands and will they "work"? Useful information is collected in the article.
    6 September 2021
  • Imperial magic Amulet for good luck and wealth make unique for each person, followed by conducting the ancient rite of charging.
    14 August 2018
  • They say that you can with your hands and without any magical experience to make the amulet money and good luck. You need to charm was strong and effective? It is important to perform the ritual and believe in the power of magic.
    13 August 2018